
I own you, sundial!

tuesday, june 22nd
6pm open pole w/Gabrielle
8pm booty camp w/Gabrielle (and Suzanne)

Grace, Novella and I worked on testing during this open pole class, since we were all in the beginning stages of testing. Gabrielle had seen us previously do some moves, so she went through the testing sheets and crossed off what she knew we had down. we worked on the following moves, plus a few I may have missed on writing down:

- sundial/double attitude spin - CHECKED OFF (finally)

- compass spin - hook the pole with your inside leg, then you whip your outside around, so when we land, you land outside, inside. need to make sure that my inside leg is vertical, with the pole, not angled out. very cool move.

- some variation of the compass that I can't remember the name of

- little lady, another variation of the compass spin - this is where you cross your outside over your inside when you whip the outside leg around. looks like your sitting on the outside of the pole, with only your inside leg hooked around the pole. this was a bit difficult for me b/c you have to get that leg crossed damn fast before your spin looses momentum. since my legs are a little bigger, it is harder for me to completely cross my legs, knees to knees, as quickly, but I'm working on it.

- knee hang - forward, not reverse. working on keeping my body leaned away from the pole and not gripping too hard and letting my body slide down the pole. also, keeping that top leg (which was originally hooked on the pole) bent, not straight. so both legs are bent around the pole when coming down. sort of looks like a side limb but falling down the pole in a spin.

- biceps & narrow baseball grip pullups - damn. I was that kid in elementary school that during the President's fitness challenge that couldn't do one pullup. seriously, I just hung there while the gym teacher urged me to just get one. didn't happen. and it didn't happen on these pullups either. whenever I would try, my heels never left the ground, even if it was only my toes. no jumping into it. plain arm strength to pull the weight of your body up on pole. something to work on.

- straddle spin - still working on getting those legs straight and up.

booty camp. kicked. my ass. Suzanne asked for ab work. and we got ab work. to be honest, I did stop a few times during a few things to work out some kinks in my body and to catch my breath. I get more gym cardio in my life. and I was sore the next day. not immobile sore (thank God), but sore enough to realize I need to get my ass in shape.

1 comment:

  1. Next time we're in class, I'll show you how I do the forward knee hang. I have a little secret that really helps and gives me TONS of momentum, which looks really cool :)
